Sunday, October 14, 2012


Yaprakli Koy

View from the balcony

      We ventured off to the beach--Yaprakli Koy-- last weekend thinking we would get some end of the season sun, but instead it was pretty stormy and actually hailed!  Still, we swam in the mediterranean and had a wonderful lunch of fresh seafood at a little place overlooking the sea in Kiskalesi...very beautiful and the best calamari I've ever had. It was also great to get out of Tarsus for a bit and be on the water despite the weather.

The girls with our department head after lunch

Happy on wine and seafood

The rainy season has started here, which has finally cooled things off a bit, though we've experienced power outages all over the city as a result. Tuesday was Canadian Thanksgiving so we celebrated at the apartment of one of our Canadian staff with the traditional meal.  When we were ready to head back to our apartment, a thunderstorm rolled in with torrential rain and then the power went out, which made for an extra fun evening!

Steph and Cody--our Canadians

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
Amidst all the socializing, we really are working hard too.  The kinder and first graders celebrated Animal day last week over on the elementary school campus and sang some Turkish songs.

First graders with their ears on

Getting ready to sing....